TAO Therapy Assitance Online


All of us will hit a bump in the road or have a challenging life situation at some point. TAO was designed to provide you with a tool kit of effective evidence-based resources to help you bounce back from those setbacks. On TAO, you have 24/7/365 FREE and anonymous access to over 150 brief, effective, and interactive educational sessions covering over 50 common topics related to mental health, wellness, and substance use. Create and verify your account, so support can be at your fingertips!

Register for TAO here

Log into TAO here


What is TAO? An online platform of evidence-based tools and resources to help users improve their overall wellbeing.

Who has access? Entire FAU community (students, staff, faculty).

What is included? Over 150 brief, effective, and interactive educational sessions covering over 50 common topics related to mental health, wellness, and substance use.

Perks: Free, anonymous, 24/7/365 access, either used as self-help or with help from one of our counselors, and most importantly, professors can conveniently incorporate relevant modules into their classes as part of assignments or extra credit.

How to access: Visit http://us.taoconnect.org/register and register using your FAU email address.

 Last Modified 1/26/22