Individual Counseling


In individual counseling, therapists help students live more successful lives. Typically, students come to CAPS for a variety of reasons. The most common reasons are

  • depression
  • anxiety
  • stress
  • academic concerns
  • mood instability

Individual counseling is a collaborative treatment effort between the student and their therapist in developing personal goals that will enable the student to succeed. There are several approaches to counseling, these include cognitive-behavioral, interpersonal and psychodynamic, to name a few. A therapist provides a supportive environment that will allow students to talk openly with an individual who is objective and nonjudgmental. The individual counseling provided at CAPS is brief in nature and intended to be short-term. Chronic related issues or issues that fall outside of the scope of practice for CAPS, may use other services of the center to help them get connected to other campus or community related services.

 Last Modified 11/8/16