Strategic Partners

FAU Division of Research

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University of West Florida

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Defense Logistics Agency

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US Small Business Administration

US Small Business Administration logo

Community Foundation

Community Foundation logo

School District of Palm Beach County

School District of Palm Beach County logo

The Palm Beach Foundation

The Palm Beach Foundation logo

Florida Division of Corporations

佛罗里达州公司分部的Sunbiz™网站为公司提供搜索和访问归档信息, limited liability companies, limited partnerships, general partnerships, trademarks, fictitious name registrations and liens. 大多数归档文件的图像都可以免费下载,并使归档过程更容易, most filing forms can also be downloaded. 电子文件和认证可以通过Sunbiz™处理,并且所有文件类型都可以访问帮助信息.

My Florida

The official portal of the State of Florida.


商业和专业监管部正在推出其DBPR仪表板. DBPR仪表板提供了部门处理时间的视图, customer contact center call statistics, and licenses issued in the previous month. To view the DBPR Dashboard click here.

Florida Department of Economic Opportunity

佛罗里达经济机会部促进所有佛罗里达人的经济机会, formulating and implementing successful workforce, community, and economic development policies and strategies. 佛罗里达州经济机会部门也提供劳工统计数据. Labor Market Statistics' mission is to produce, analyze, 提供及时可靠的劳工统计数据,以改善经济决策.

Careersource Florida

CareerSource Florida specializes in talent. 这个组织在全州范围内的职业发展专业人员网络直接与佛罗里达州的雇主合作,以使他们对技术人才的需求与佛罗里达人寻求就业和职业发展机会的需求保持一致.

Employ Florida Marketplace

雇佣佛罗里达将佛罗里达所有的劳动力服务——州和地方——联系在一起. The state partners are Workforce Florida, the state policy and oversight board, and the Agency for Workforce Innovation, 管理劳动力资金的国家机构. 在地方一级,有24个区域劳动力委员会管理着近100个“一站式中心”.“这些组织共同代表了雇佣佛罗里达的劳动力服务和资源网络. 州和地方委员会由教育委员会组成, 政府和私营企业的资源,以满足当地的劳动力需求.

Small Business Resource Network

The SBRN, Small Business Resource Network, 通过将他们与感兴趣的人联系起来,帮助企业取得成功, experienced professionals, service providers and government agencies.


经济和人口研究办公室(EDR)是立法机关的一个研究机构,主要负责预测影响决策的经济和社会趋势, revenues, and appropriations.


US Small Business Administration

Since its founding on July 30, 1953, the U.S. 小企业管理局已经发放了数百万笔贷款, loan guarantees, contracts, 为小企业提供咨询和其他形式的帮助.

Business USA

与政府的互动往往是繁重和令人沮丧的. 从寻找融资机会到了解影响他们的最新法规, 努力工作的企业花了太多时间在应付联邦官僚机构上. Business USA, a centralized, 一站式平台使企业比以往任何时候都更容易获得帮助他们成长和招聘的服务.

US Department of Labor

The US Department of Labor fosters, promotes, and develops the welfare of the wage earners, job seekers, and retirees of the United States; improves working conditions; advances opportunities for profitable employment; and assures work-related benefits and rights.

US Census Bureau

The Economic Census is the U.S. 政府对美国商业和经济的官方五年衡量标准. It is conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau, and response is required by law.


知道你在寻找什么,并想要尽快找到它? Select business topics using our A-Z listing, or by business type such as sole proprietor, corporation, etc. We also provide links to major business subjects, such as Business Expenses, 它提供了一个关于该主题的所有相关信息的入口.

US Patent and Trademarks

美国专利商标局(USPTO)是授予美国专利的联邦机构.S. patents and registering trademarks. In doing this, the USPTO fulfills the mandate of Article I, Section 8, Clause 8, 宪法规定,立法部门“通过在一定时间内保证发明者对其各自发现的专有权,促进科学和实用艺术的进步。.“美国专利商标局根据宪法的商业条款注册商标(第1条), Section 8, Clause 3). 在这种保护制度下,美国工业蓬勃发展. New products have been invented, new uses for old ones discovered, 并为数百万美国人创造就业机会. The strength and vitality of the U.S. 经济直接依赖于保护创新和创造力方面的新想法和投资的有效机制. 对专利和商标的持续需求凸显了美国发明家和企业家的聪明才智. 美国专利商标局处于国家技术进步和成就的前沿.

FDIC Small Business Lending

联邦存款保险公司鼓励银行贷款给信誉良好的小企业. FDIC还鼓励可能对信贷可用性有疑问或担忧的小型企业KU体育新的小型企业热线1-855-FDIC-BIZ. 我们将回应有关FDIC管辖范围内的政策和金融机构的询问,并向其他政府机构和信息资源提供建议.


Florida Division of Corporations

这个网站代表了一个链接到机构的综合目录, 布劳沃德县委员会的服务和项目. For convenience, 其他官员和机构提供的部分服务和项目的链接也包括在内.

Delray Community Redevelopment Agency


Business Development Board of Palm Beach County

Greater Fort Lauderdale Alliance


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